My dad once told me to never underestimate the power of gratitude. If your unhappy really focus on the things you have to be thankful for and you are sure to be happy soon. It is a sure way to see Gods love for you and can give you strength when you need it the most. I love Thanksgiving. I love this time of year when everyone puts a big focus on gratitude.
Tonight I am Thankful for:
1. Modern Medicine and those kind doctors and nurses that took such good care of me today. (Maybe I'll learn to not be so stubborn about going to the doctors)
2. My friend in Logan that knows me so well that when I say "No its okay don't bring me dinner." She brings me soup so that I don't eat cereal.
3. For all of the prayers on my behalf
4. For friends that will talk to me even though I'm loopy, and love us like family
5. My husband who holds the Priesthood.
6. A good excuse to stock up on Powerade.
7. The family that loves me and cares about me.
8. Sleep.
9. The new season of Bones.
10. Being married to my best friend, and that he can make me laugh even when I'm hooked up to an iv for a really really really long time.
11. Being on the same planet. When I was feeling really sick, had a super high fever, and was half asleep half just feeling horrible I felt like we hadn't talked all day so I mumbled to Parker "I feel like we are on different planets" he didn't laugh or tell me I was crazy, just laid down by me for a while and asked if we were on the same planet yet because if not he better get to making a rocket ship.
So maybe I had a little bit of a rough day (or week). Things are still pretty great around here. There is so much to be Thankful for. Happy November friends!