At birth:
She weighs 6 pounds and 4 ounces.
She is 19.75 inches long.
She instantly starts stealing hearts.
At 2 weeks:
She weighs 7 pounds and 3 ounces.
She is just over 20 inches long.
She is not a fan of night time sleeping.
At 7 months:
She weighs 17 pounds.
She is a big fan of standing up while holding your hands, taking her bows off and inch worming all over.
She is not a fan of sitting on her bum and will lock her legs if you try to sit her down.
She weighs 6 pounds and 4 ounces.
She is 19.75 inches long.
She instantly starts stealing hearts.
At 2 weeks:
She weighs 7 pounds and 3 ounces.
She is just over 20 inches long.
At 1 month:
She is fan of being held by her daddy.She is not a fan of night time sleeping.
At 2 months:
She weighs 11 pounds and 5 ounces.
She is 22 inches long.
She is a fan of her swing.
She is not a fan of the bouncer.
At 3 months:
She is a fan of being tickled and getting her diaper changed.
She is not a fan of being set down anytime after 6 P.M.
At 4 Months:
She weighs 14 pounds and 3 ounces.
She is 25 inches long.
She is a fan is a fan of rolling over.
She is not a fan of tummy time.
At 5 Months:
She is a fan of baby food!
She is not a fan of the carseat or being sick.
At 6 months:
She weighs 15 pounds and 10 ounces.
She is 26 and a half inches long.
She is a fan of her big brother and her dog.
She is not a fan of being left behind.
At 7 months:
She weighs 17 pounds.
She is a big fan of standing up while holding your hands, taking her bows off and inch worming all over.
She is not a fan of sitting on her bum and will lock her legs if you try to sit her down.
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