spending a couple days in barcelona was the best. parker knew way more spanish than i ever knew he did and basically got us around the whole city which was awesome
this is sagrada de la familia from below
and this is sagrada after the climb
( the first day we were by ourselves but the second day we got to meet up with my sister jill and her husband kyle. they are pretty much the bomb and we had a blast with them. i think we walked 10 miles that day)
this is parkers very first magnum bar. yes i made him wait till we were in europe because its cooler that way.
first venture into the mediterranean.
look how stinkin cute my sister and her husband are.
ground view
(notice how there is no one there, thank you sarah for suggesting we go so terribly early)
sky view
we climbed the bell tower with shannon and dave. i love my sisters kids but it was so fun to hang out with just them and their husbands because we don't get to do that a lot.
my dad came to, this is at the top.
And this is Rome
sisters sarah and jill
Here's the Day on the Coast
don't judge who wouldn't want a kissing picture right there
this is my mom and me at pompei
what a week and what a week to come... :)
( i'm knew to the blogging world. can you put too many pictures on one post? if so i'm sure i hit the limit on this one)