Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

Of all the victories in human history, none is so great, none so universal in its effect, none so everlasting in its consequences as the victory of the crucified Lord who came forth in the Resurrection that first Easter morning. -
Gordon B. Hinckley  

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Good The Bad and The Ugly

Everything you didn't need to know about my first trimester.

There are ups and downs to pregnancy for sure. There were things I was expecting and things that totally took me by surprise. Here it is, my first trimester experience.

The Good.
Seeing those two pink lines that scream positive was one of the most exciting and terrifying moments of my life. But mostly I felt relief and gratitude. Overwhelming amounts of it.

Telling friends and family has been a wonderful part of this experience. Everyone has been so excited for us, and sharing the news has made it feel more real.

I am working from home. Words cannot express how grateful I am that I am able to work full time in my pajamas, puke bucket near by.

The big debate about gender. My mom is positive it is a girl. Parker is absolutely certain it is a boy. I change my mind a lot. But it has been so fun to wonder! We won't know for a while. Unless we schedule and elective gender screening ultrasound. We will see.

Speaking of ultrasounds... That has been my favorite part so far.
My Aunt has already made this baby a blanket. When she told me I felt so touched that she would take the time to do something so special for me.
Caden, Riley, and Luke, bought some New York Yankee baby bottles not long after we got married. They have been keeping them safe for a while and finally got to give them to me.  All of the kids have been anxiously awaiting more cousins.
This list would not be complete without a little husband bragging. Parker has been so great. He has really held things together while I have been sick. I am talking dishes, laundry, grocery shopping, the works. And he gets so exited about all things baby. I caught a good one. 

The Bad. 
Let's talk about morning sickness and how obviously some guy who did not know what he was talking about it named it.  I didn't start to get really sick till about eight weeks. Every week it has gotten a little worse and I am still waiting for it to let up.  Just a warning, morning sickness is an all day thing thing.

Fatigue. I could sleep all day everyday. Apparently growing a tiny human takes up a lot of energy. I read about how you should exercise every single day while your pregnant. Yeahhh that has not been happening here. I am constantly running to the bathroom. Whether I am sick or just gotta go I am always in a hurry to get there. So maybe that counts for something.

 I worry a lot. If am not worrying about the current state of our little one, (Is everything developing right? Am I getting in enough nutrients? Am I supposed to be feeling this?) I am worrying about the future (Labor. Yikes. This whole mom thing is a huge responsibility that nothing can really prepare you for. What all do I need to have when we bring this little one home? How are we going to make room for all of this baby stuff? What if the baby comes early? What if the baby comes late?).  Sometimes I need to just take a deep breath and remember to take this one day at at time.

The Ugly. 
So I woke up one morning and the side of my face was wet. Which was sadly nothing new. Pregnancy brought on extra drooling. Yep that is a real pregnancy symptom that I was lucky enough to get. Drooling. But to my surprise it wasn't drool. I was experiencing a new fun pregnancy symptom. Nose bleeds. I can not remember the last time I had a nose bleed but I think I was really young. Classy right? Excessive drool and nose bleeds. Oh and my gums bleed too.

Prenatal vitamins are supposed to make your hair grow really fast. And while that has been true for my legs, the hair on my head comes out by the handful when I am in the shower.

I cry in public. Over ridiculous things. Sitting in a restaurant and my dad tells me about the new charity he is involved in. Tears. Parker found Nikes in his size at the outlets that he wanted but I couldn't convince him to buy. Finally talked him into it went back to get them, and they were gone. More tears.

Remember the running to the bathroom thing. I don't always make it in time. I could list a number of places I have thrown up, but let's just say it hasn't been pretty.

I wear sweats and baggy t-shirts almost everyday. Because I am tired and sick. And because a cardigan is not going to make me feel cute while I am puking my guts out anyway.

If you still aren't sure why you haven't seen a lot of pictures on this blog recently, it is because most of them would look like this,

It has already been quite the adventure. And we are just getting started.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy Selection Sunday!

....and Saint Patrick's Day too.

My cute niece helped me paint my nails green will gold polka dots last night and that was about all I did for the holiday. Parker said he didn't need to wear green because of his eyes. Saint Patrick's Day rules clearly state you must wear green. Sorry darling, you do not wear your eyes.
But we are putting together our brackets and have already watched quite a bit of basketball. On Saturday Parker gets to go watch at the Energy Solutions Arena (cough Delta Center). He is little-boy-on-Christmas-Eve excited about it.  
If you aren't sure about how to go about making your picks, check out this video.

In other (much more) exciting news I am in the last week of my first trimester. Crossing my fingers for a little more energy and a little less morning (noon and night) sickness. Counting my blessings that our little one is growing healthy and strong. 
And although it is still early my sister introduced me to these little books and I am really excited about them.  

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Best Part So Far

Monday we went in for our first appointment with the doctor. We had an appointment with the nurse a few weeks ago. But that was just to finish my paperwork and have my labs done. To my surprise they weren't going to use any of that blood (and they took a lot) to confirm pregnancy. The nurse asked "Have you taken an at home test?" I said yes and left out the part that I had actually taken four. She told me that that was all the conformation they needed. Okay... But what about the conformation I needed?  She told me at our next appointment we would have an ultrasound.
3 weeks later we came back. 
While we waited for the doctor I was (really) nervous. 
But there was no reason to be. 
We saw the baby right away. Our little one was waving at us and moving all around. 
I thought I would cry. I thought Parker would cry. But we didn't. We just stared at the little image in complete wonder and amazement. We saw the heart, heard the heartbeat. I let out an audible sigh when doctor told us everything looked perfect. 
 I felt peace and overwhelming gratitude. I could have stayed in that room looking at that screen all day. Watching those little arms move up and down. I couldn't stop smiling.  It was even more amazing than everyone said it would be. 
Parker came home and proudly put the pictures up on the fridge. 
There is no denying it. There is a baby in there.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Simply Over The Moon

Sometimes when I am straightening up I'll pick up a Phillies hat, move a pair of size fifteen Nikes, or pause before I close the closet door long enough to touch the sleeve of his suit coat hanging next to my dresses.
When I see his things, side by side with mine, they become our things. Part of our life. And I realize I can't quite remember what life was like when it was just my own. Life is different now, better...
Someday (in about 7 months) when I am straightening up I'll pick up a bottle, move a bouncer, and pause while folding a small blanket long enough to soak it all in. I'll look at Parker and we will realize we can't quite remember what life was like when it was just our own. Life will be different, better...
We are over the moon to announce that Little Robertson is on the way and already reshaping our world into something better than we could have ever imagined.