I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. We sure did. Although lately life has felt like one giant melt down. Apparently being 15 months old is really hard. Being so close to being able to communicate but just not able to spit it out can be really frustrating. Jack is expressing his frustration all the time. He will go from happy and laughing to an on the floor kicking and screaming tantrum in a matter of seconds. He is also hitting and yelling "No" quite a bit. We are doing what we can.
I remember last year on New Years Eve being so physically exhausted. At that point Jack still wasn't sleeping more than two hours at a time. But he was such a happy little baby whenever he was awake.
Now kiddo sleeps 10- 12 hours a night! But I am mentally exhausted. Because even though I try all day to keep him happy, I feel like we are just going from one tantrum to the next. I find myself wondering if maybe physical exhaustion was easier.
That's life though right? It is so tempting to look back or forward, and think things were or are going to be easier. I am constantly reminding myself to love where we are. Because every phase comes with ups and downs.
So today instead of resolutions I am going to write down a few things I love about my life, the way it is right now, today.
- Jack calls me "Mom Mom" not mama, not mommy, not mom. Mom Mom. It is adorable.
- We have so much snow. Jack and I have been sledding and fort building and having all sorts of snow adventures.
- Parker and I both love our church callings. He is in Young Mens and I am in Activity Days. We love being involved with the youth.
- Whenever we tell Daxter to "Sit" Jack sits down too.
- Despite how crazy things have been I have managed to read so many good books recently.
- Jack associates the phone with Daddy. Whenever he grabs a phone he holds it up to his ear and says "Eh-O" followed by "Dadadadadadada"
- Jack is becoming so particular. And although it can be difficult at times- seeing him develop interests, likes, and dislikes is fascinating.
- Jack is big enough to ride on my back. For some reason that feels like an important milestone.
- Having Parker around for the holidays has been the best. I love when we get extra time with him.
- This Christmas will always be extra special in our memories because my sister adopted her daughter, Olivia! We got to go together as family to the temple and see her sealed to them.
- My little family is healthy. We have a place to live. And we are all together.
- I have seen my big crazy family a lot recently.
- I have my mom and sisters to ask about baby rashes, baby coughs, baby everything.
- Parker still makes me laugh, a real laugh, every single day.
Things really are pretty great around here. 2015 is going to be a good one.