Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Right Now

Jack loves dinosaurs, cars, books, puzzles and Super Why. He is quick to start dancing whenever he hears music and loves to play his drum. He gives the best hugs and if you're extra lucky he will throw in a kiss. He hates holding still long enough for pictures. When he is supposed to be napping I can hear him singing through the monitor. Jack is still a boy of few words but he sure loves the alphabet. He knows several of his letters and points them out wherever he can find them.
Cora loves to sit up. She can't quite sit on her own yet but she wants to so badly. She loves to watch her brother. She loves sucking her thumb, and is possibly the loudest thumb sucker in the whole world. When she wakes up in the morning she gives us the biggest smile and is the best start to our day. Now that she is rolling all over the place I am frequently having "thats not where I left you" moments.

These two kiddos make our world go round. Pretty sure there is an executive at Pampers that is enjoying a private jet that was 100% funded by my children's ability to blow through diapers like it is their job. You're Welcome. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Am I the only second time parent that was naive enough to think their second child would be similar to their first??? I knew every child was different… but I figured since they are siblings and everything there would be some similarities!
Almost everything about our Cora June has been unexpected. Back when her feet were still kicking my my ribs I would picture her with a head full of dark hair like Jack had when he was born. I assumed she wouldn't sleep because, Jack never did. I thought she'd wear a permanent frown and spit up all over anyone who came near her. In fact the only trait of Jacks we were sure she wouldn't have were his bright blue eyes.
My darling girl is nothing like her brother. Her wisps of curls are a shade of strawberry blond I never saw coming. She has had more good nights than bad and is already giving us five hour stretches of blissful sleep. She sucks her thumb. She smiles and giggles every time we say her name. Her eyes are of course bright blue.
I am amazed by the differences I see in the two of them every single day. I am even more amazed at how I can love their extreme opposites so completely and equally. I adore that they are different.

Cora June, I love who you are. I love learning all of the little things that make up who you are. I love that I get a front row seat to see who you become. Darling, the world is lucky to have you. Currently you are balding. Don't worry it's very endearing. But just in case it grows back in a different color,  I had to document your light strawberry curls. I have a feeling this will not be the last time you surprise me. With you I think it is safe to expect the unexpected. 

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Pinch Me

Two kids?!?! Still can't believe they are mine! Luckiest mama ever.
I love how different they are. Both the very best in their own way.
I'm so glad they have each other.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Every Afternoon

Every afternoon you can find the three of us with a giant pile of books. It has quickly become one of my favorite times of day.

I hope that they always love reading because I have mile long lists of books I want them to experience. My mom loves to read. She always encouraged me to read good books and instilled a love for the classics into my heart from a young age. I have wonderful memories of her reading to me. (I still love reading the same books that she does so we can talk about them.) Sort of surreal that I am the one reading out loud now. 

Sunday, January 10, 2016

I Hope They Call Me On A Mission

My parents are going on a mission! They have been looking forward to this for such a long time.

Hong Kong here they come! They report on October 3rd 2016. I know someone who is going to miss them like crazy! Jack will have a hard time too. 

Friday, January 8, 2016


A few nights ago Jack helped me stick plastic stars to the ceiling above his bed. When we ran out of stars he stepped back to look at his handy work. I shut off the lights. He looked up at the glowing stars. He spread his arms out as wide as they could go while turning around in slow circles. Then he started to laugh. 
This kid turns a football helmet into a Stormtrooper mask. He turns plastic glow in the dark stars into the Sistine Chapel. Jack Vincent, taking the ordinary to extraordinary since 2013. 
So lucky to kick it with this boy everyday. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Temple Square

I didn't think we would make it to see the lights this year but we did! With a whole bunch of family too! The lights were fantastic and Jack was in heaven. It was cold! I was worried about Cora but she was so bundled up and comfortable she slept through the whole thing. Because it was crowded and cold I barely got any pictures. The pictures I did manage to get did not do the lights justice. I tried to capture the wonder and awe Jack had on his face the whole time, but I didn't really get that either. I am so glad we fought the traffic and went down. It was well worth it!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Happy New Year!

So excited to spend 2016 with these awesome nerds. Love my people so much.

Christmas 2015

December 23. Snow Day.
Sledding with Jack this year was pretty much the best thing ever. He laughed so loud every time we would go down the hill. He was such a good sport. The snow was up past his knees in some places and moving was a struggle. He would take two steps, fall down, try to get up, fall back down. It was exhausting to watch. But he was having so much fun. At one point he laid on his belly and attempted to swim through the snow. I wish I had more pictures. Lots of his cousins were there and it was a really special snow day.

Christmas Eve. 
Nativity Day. The Nativity all the kids put on is my favorite Christmas tradition. This year Cora was Baby Jesus and Jack was a shepherd. I also was able to get a few pictures of my kids and their stockings. Jack still wasn't super into Santa this Christmas. He did however love setting out cookies on Christmas Eve. He even drew Santa a picture. 

Christmas Day. 
We had a very white Christmas. We woke up to so much snow! Jack was pretty excited about all of his toys and equally excited to help dad shovel the drive. Cora was an angel all day. Lots of snuggles for her first Christmas. She loved her play mat and Jack read all her new books to her. We spent all of Christmas day at home as a family of four. It was my favorite Christmas yet!