Tuesday, April 12, 2016

We are ready for you, summer!

I hear we might be getting some snow on Friday, so we decided to get some sunshine while it was still here. That water was pretty dang cold. Jack didn't seem to mind. I thought he would want to play in the sand with Cora, but that kid loves the water. I am looking at these pictures and reminding myself what a fun day we had. Totally worth the bedtime melt downs that come after skipped naps and changes in schedule. Right? Let's go with yes, because it's too late to change our minds now anyway. 
We will miss you beautiful weather. Come back soon. 

Monday, April 11, 2016

Everyday Awesome

Big Brother Forever

Dear Jack Vincent,
There is something important I want to talk to you about. When Cora was born all of our lives changed. Yours changed in a really important way. You became a big brother. Jack, this is such a special responsibility. Our Cora is so wonderful, she is so happy. But nothing makes her happier than you. There are few things I love more than watching her, watch you. You light up her world. She wants to be where you are, do what you do, all the time. Guess what kiddo, that is never going to change. I'm sure you two will fight. Probably a lot. She'll steal and break your stuff. You'll go in her room. Whatever. It won't matter. She might not always show it but you will always be so important to her. Trust me, I am a little sister, I know what I am talking about. She will always look to you. She loves you more than you can imagine. Be the big brother she deserves. Take care of her, Jack. 

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Easter, 2016

We had so much fun this year with egg hunts, Easter baskets, the adorable Easter outfits that Parker's mom gave the kids. But the best part of the day was soaking in the peace and hope that come from knowing our Redeemer lives.
I stand all amazed. I really, really do.

Monday, April 4, 2016


Her new favorite game.

One on One

Jack and I went to the movies and got cookies after, just the two of us. This kid was such a good sport  about his baby sister needing extra time and attention while she was sick. I wanted to do something special just for him. This boy is a lot of fun to hang out with. He is hilarious and so awesome. He also really loves popcorn, so going to a movie is always a win. He is so grown up lately, I was a little relieved when he got a tiny bit scared and wanted to sit on my lap half way through.

Cora Bear and RSV

Our sweet little Cora had that nasty RSV. We took her to the E.R. early in the morning because she was really struggling to breathe. I always want to remember that while she was hooked up to the monitors, I watched her numbers improve every time Parker held her. She literally breathes easier in his arms. Ultimate daddy's girl. So grateful for the doctors and nurses and every single person in the suction clinic (that we visited several times a day) who made it possible for Cora to receive the care she needed without being admitted to the hospital. Extremely thankful for family and neighbors who helped with Jack and brought meals. Love our little Cora June who still gave us smiles when she was so so sick. We feel so blessed that she was able to make a smooth recovery and is back to her cheerful self.