Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Jack + Cora

Jack currently loves pirates, dinosaurs, Lightning McQueen and chocolate milk. Still a picky eater and a pretty good sleeper. This summer he has become quite the swimmer. With his Puddle Jummper floats on he can swim the length of the pool. He loves jumping off the side into the water. Most of all he loves the big water slide. He is all grown up all of the sudden with friends that come knock on the door and ask if he can play and has become too cool to hold my hand. He likes to do things all by himself. His Jackanese is slowly turning into something closer to English. He loves church and all of his friends in nursery. He cries when we pick him up to go home. He is so adventurous and imaginative. I love when he tells me he'll "Be right back" and when he says "Cowa baby!" He still pretends to be a dog for at least part of the day, everyday. He can sing his ABC's and count to 13 without any help. At bedtime he always has a sudden need for something. A drink, a snack, a movie, a trip to the dinosaur museum. But most days he wakes up so happy. I get a big hug and a quite "Hiiiiiiiiii" when I get him out of his room Pretty great way to start the day. 
Cora is the best. She is turning into such an amazing little girl. Her personality is growing daily. Thanks to having to survive her older brother, she is basically the toughest girl I know.  She does not let Jack push her around or steal her stuff anymore. When she thinks something is entertaining but not worth summoning her big belly laugh she uses this little half laugh that sort of sounds like "eh-heh". I call it her pity laugh and it is one of my favorite things about her.  Yesterday she stuck a bar of soap in her mouth and didn't even gag. Just went back for more. Pretty sure if I wouldn't have intervened she would have eaten in like a popsicle.  A few days ago without much warning she decided to follow Jack upstairs. Climbed up no problem, with me standing behind her worried she was going to fall back at any moment. She's busy and active but still loves to snuggle. When Parker gets home from work she expects him to pick her up for a big hug, very first thing. If he doesn't, she gives him a big angry scream and then pouts. She's kind of dramatic and prefers to sleep in one of our arms which is a problem but the crib is slowly growing on her. Still sucking her thumb, I have a feeling its going to be a hard habit to break. I can't believe she is 9 months old and at the same time I don't know how we ever survived without her pity laughs and slobber kisses. 

Everyday Awesome

Grotto Falls

4th of July!