Sunday, May 26, 2013

Top Ten.

Our little guy is pretty rambunctious. I feel his little kicks all day long (and night too).  But do you want to know when he kicks the very most?? During the Top Ten.
 We have Sports Center on as we go through our morning routine.  But we will stop what we are doing to watch when the top plays come on.
And the little one goes wild. Kicks and flips big enough to see my belly move.
I don't know if it is the time of day, or because he can hear both of our voices. Maybe he is already just like his dad.... I sure hope so.

Maybe he will be just as good looking too! 22 weeks. Over half way.

Monday, May 6, 2013


Parker got his appendix out yesterday. Everything went really well and he has been a trooper. We spent yesterday afternoon in the hospital watching super hero movies. I got to bring him home last night and so far he just keeps getting better. 

Parker can't help but make friends everywhere he goes. When they took him from the emergency room for surgery every nurse and doctor we passed stopped what they were doing to wish him luck. Everyone knew his name. After the surgery all of the nurses just spoiled him rotten because even with all the pain killers he is still so funny and polite. By the time we were leaving you would have thought we had been there for years. 

My sisters came up so I didn't have to sit in the waiting room all by myself. Which was a good thing. I don't care how routine the surgery is. Sitting in a waiting room while your husband is in surgery is rough. Throw some pregnancy hormones on top of that and it makes for a long painful wait. It was so nice to have them there. Before they went home they cleaned our apartment, did our laundry, and made sure the fridge was stalked with groceries and Parker's favorite powerades. I almost cried when we came home I felt so loved. 

Last night as I was falling asleep I felt so grateful for all of the prayers that had been said for us. It was a really long hard day. But at the end of it all we both felt so blessed. Blessed that the surgery went well. Blessed that we have so many great people in our lives. Blessed that we have each other and a baby boy on the way. 

Parker really struggles with sitting still and letting me take care of him. So wish me luck trying to make him take it easy. Here is to hoping for a smooth recovery. 

Boy Oh Boy!

Parker and I have been pretty sure all along this baby was a boy. This week we found out we were right.

After our appointment on Wednesday we sent off a package to Parker's parents with some pictures from the ultrasound and a lot of blue. We knew they would get it Friday afternoon so we were anxiously waiting for their phone call. They were so excited! My father in-law told me that now we have a big brother to look out for any sisters that may come. My mother in-law told me that she was looking forward to having another little guy around. She had also told me she thought I was having a boy from the way I am carrying. She was right! They are coming to visit us this week and we are counting down the days! Can't wait to see them.

We had a little party at my moms house for some family and close friends. 

My family was totally divided! 

Everyone was so exited it was really hard to get them to hold still for a picture. 

After we let the balloons fly we had some cake. 

It was a great excuse to have a party and have so many of my favorite people in one room. Thank you to all the family and dear friends who came out to celebrate with us. We feel blessed that our baby boy already has so many people who love him. 

Thursday, May 2, 2013


Yesterday Parker finished his last final and now has earned a bachelors degree. No cap and gown.. he would not walk. I can't blame him since he is going straight back to school. But we did do something pretty special to celebrate.
We went in for our anatomy scan. Which is an extra long ultrasound. Where they show you everything about your baby. The chambers of the heart, little hands and fingers, kicking feet, the spine and ribs. And if you want, you can finally find out if you are having a boy or a girl.
So we know. But we are keeping that a secret for today...
The point is it was a really big day all around.
Congratulations Parker!!