After our appointment on Wednesday we sent off a package to Parker's parents with some pictures from the ultrasound and a lot of blue. We knew they would get it Friday afternoon so we were anxiously waiting for their phone call. They were so excited! My father in-law told me that now we have a big brother to look out for any sisters that may come. My mother in-law told me that she was looking forward to having another little guy around. She had also told me she thought I was having a boy from the way I am carrying. She was right! They are coming to visit us this week and we are counting down the days! Can't wait to see them.
We had a little party at my moms house for some family and close friends.
My family was totally divided!
Everyone was so exited it was really hard to get them to hold still for a picture.
After we let the balloons fly we had some cake.
It was a great excuse to have a party and have so many of my favorite people in one room. Thank you to all the family and dear friends who came out to celebrate with us. We feel blessed that our baby boy already has so many people who love him.
Yay for little boys! Congrats! So excited for you!