Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Dear 2013

You were a year for the books.
 The year Breaking Bad came to an end. The year the Xbox 1 and iPhone 5 S came to be. The year Peyton Manning threw seven touchdown passes in one game, the first person to do that since 1969. And then six weeks later Nick Foles did it too. The year I took Parker to a Phillies game and stood in Independence Hall on the Fourth of July. The year I had my golden birthday. The year Mariano Rivera retired.
But all of that will be overshadowed by a little frown on the boy who captured our hearts the first time we heard his beat.
That's right 2013, you will live in my memory as the year that brought Jack to us and marked my beginning of motherhood.
I learned first hand the horrors and wonders that happen when you are blessed enough to grow a tiny human inside of you. I watched the body I knew so well stretch and change into something remarkable.A mother.
I spent countless sleepless nights with my best friend as we tried to figure out this business of parenting. The memories of pacing the hallway in our small apartment passing our newborn son back and forth trying to sooth him will stay with Parker and I forever. For the past three months we have devoted our time and energy into figuring him out. And we are.
You are a year that changed me, and Parker too, for the better. Tested us and pushed us until we grew.
You are the year that taught me true joy can be found on the living room floor watching a small baby learn to roll over. The year that ended with staying in, because bedtime is not something you mess around with.
You are the year my family grew by two feet, ten toes, and one dimpled chin.
Thank 2013. You truly were one for the books.

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