Wednesday, September 23, 2015

A letter to my Daughter

Little Girl,
We are so excited to meet you. Three weeks left till due day little one and we can hardly wait. We have just about everything ready for your arrival. 
I haven't been the best at documenting this pregnancy. So  I wanted to take a minute and write something down. Lets go back a ways. When I found out that there was a problem with my thyroid I instantly asked if it would effect my fertility. I already had some problems and the issues with my thyroid would be another big hurdle. I felt discouraged but remained hopeful. With faith and prayers from everyone who loves us, and the care of excellent doctors your existence became a reality sooner than expected. You surprised us all. You have been a fighter from the very start. 
at 11 weeks your dad and I heard your sweet heartbeat for the very first time. The sound filled our hearts with joy and a little bit of relief as well. You were really real. We were adding to our family. What started out as a wonderful day took a terrible turn when later that afternoon I started bleeding. I called your dad at work and told him he needed to come home right away. For a moment I thought it was all over. As I climbed into the car to go to the hospital I felt a deep sense of peace. Despite the evidence that something was clearly wrong, my heart was telling me that you were alright. That you were a little fighter and would hold on. As we waited in the E.R. your dad paced around. I had never seen him so scared. After only 11 weeks the thought of losing you was unbearable. Finally the doctor pulled you up on the ultrasound. You were swimming around, waving to us, and we saw the little flicker of your heartbeat on the monitor. You were just fine. You were perfect. 
We thought you were a boy. It's true. But since finding out you were a girl it has all made so much sense. The three of us need you little one. We really really do. I can't wait to get to know the special light you will bring to our family. 
I have been able to see you a couple of times recently in ultrasounds. You are a tiny little thing measuring a couple weeks behind. The doctors want to keep checking on you to make sure you are growing right. You always look perfectly healthy, just a little small. Your ultrasounds always take extra long because you won't hold still long enough for the tech to get the measurements they need. One time you were sucking on your umbilical cord. I was a little worried but the tech assured me it was fine. I guess you don't have a lot to do in there. You have to do something to keep busy. Just keep growing! 
We all love you so much already. Your dad talks to you every night before bed. You always react to the sound of his voice. Your brother drives cars, trucks and motorcycles over my growing belly and laughs when you kick them away. I feel like I get a special sneak peak at who you are by feeling a bit of your personality through your movements. 
The past 37 weeks have been quite the journey. I'm so glad that I get to be your mama. I really am. I love you already. 

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