Friday, October 23, 2015

Rawr means I love you in Dinosaur

For three weeks Jack has pretty much ignored Cora. There have been small moments, when he thought no one was watching, where he has shown slight interest. He would touch her toes, or gently pat her head. But..... yesterday out of nowhere he wanted to play with her. He even shared one of his favorite dinosaurs with her. Which is a huge deal. He doesn't like to share his dinosaurs with anyone. I might be getting ahead of myself but here is to hoping he plays with her more and more! Because seeing my two kids together melts my mama heart.
These pictures capture how life is right now pretty perfectly. We wear pajamas for most of the day and play on the floor making a mess of toys, crayons, baby stuff and m&ms.


3 Weeks In

And I love being her mama.

I absolutely love having a daughter. My night owl, my sunshine sleeper. She has us wrapped around her long fingers. Her wild hair is growing so fast. You would not believe the funny grunts that come from her pretty little lips and tiny little nose. She loves to be outside. She thinks she needs to be held at all times. She adores watching her big brother. 

We have never been so happy, or so tired. It has been a wonderful three weeks.

Friday, October 16, 2015

So much Cora

Happy Due Date to my baby girl! 
I have taken about a million pictures of Cora already. I can't help myself. She is so gorgeous and I am pretty sure she gets better looking everyday. Her little lips. Her crazy hair that sticks straight up no matter what we do. Her little toes and little nose. I am so smitten. Here are some of  my favorites…..

This is her game face, and maybe the best picture ever. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Life with Two

Can I just brag about my main little dude for a minute? Because faced with all this change Jack is doing so well. Look at my two year old!

It is a little chaotic with two. But so much fun. I have only had a couple of moments where they were both crying at the same time.
Everyone wants to know how Jack is reacting to Cora. The truth is, he isn't really. He basically acts just the same. We are really working on being "soft" and "gentle" around Cora. He does not like it when we try to get him to hold her. But he likes to touch her toes and bounce her when she is in her bouncer seat. He checks on her when she cries. He does try to sit on my lap sometimes when I am holding or feeding her. He has needed a little more cuddling than he did before. But I don't mind that at all. He gets a little more interested in her everyday and hopefully he will be ready to hold her soon.
Cora is an angel during the day. My cute little nocturnal babe is a little different at night. But during the day she is so chill. Which makes it really nice because I can still give Jack a lot of attention. We are sleepy but happy. Baby wearing is a game changer. We have only done a few outings because I'm still recovering and like I said we are all sleepy, but so far it has all gone smoothly. I'm sure in a few months when Cora is more demanding it'll be different. But we will figure it out.

Love these two littles so much. Can't imagine life without them.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

A Birth Story- Cora June

Throughout my pregnancy I was determined to be mentally prepared to go late. I was so sure I would go early with Jack and those last few weeks of pregnancy were so hard. But at my 37 week appointment my OB told me there was no way I was going to make it another three weeks. In fact she told me she was betting on the baby coming over conference weekend.
That is when I started to worry about Jacks birthday. I really wanted to be able to celebrate Jack turning two... and I wanted both of my kids to have their own birthday. Even though I still wasn't positive that I would go into labor we decided to pretend it was Jacks birthday on Monday. Jack and I both had doctors appointments on his real birthday and Parker was worried he would have to work late. I am so glad we celebrated early!
Here we are at the movies on Jacks pretend birthday. Look at him awkwardly sitting on my lap with my bump in the way. One of the last times that happened!

On Wednesday September 30th I just felt off. I was super sick and having a hard time staying hydrated. My OB wasn't in her office until the next day and I had my appointment early in the morning so I was going to try to wait it out. But I was having inconsistent contractions and getting more and more miserable. Because my OB is also a family friend and neighbor Sarah kept telling me to call her. I didn't want to bug her when she wasn't in the office. My protective older sister finally called my OB herself. My family has no boundaries.  My OB thought I should head over to Labor and Delivery. Because I had been measuring small the last thing we wanted was for me to have a stomach bug. Even though my contractions were inconsistent she told me if I progressed even the slightest bit they would admit me. So off to Labor and Delivery I went. After an hour of monitoring I was still sick but very obviously not in active labor. It was time for the walk of shame out of the hospital still pregnant. All I could think was, ok this is ok but I can not go into labor tomorrow.
Thursday October 1st I woke up and went to my appointment. My belly hadn't grown in the last week. We did an ultrasound. My fluid level looked good. Cora looked good. But with such little growth it was time to get things moving. I had made some progress over night and my OB stripped my membranes. I had my membranes stripped three times with Jack and it didn't do a thing. I was pretty surprised when I started having contractions before I even left the office.
I picked up Jack and took him to his two year old appointment. Little man had a melt down because he saw the bucket of suckers on our way in. He did not understand that he had to wait until after he had seen the doctor before he got one. I ended up bouncing and pacing with a squirmy upset two year old sitting on my belly through the whole appointment. My contractions really started to pick up at this point.
I started timing contractions when we got home. All afternoon they would get down to five to six minutes apart but if I sat down they would start to slow. I was determined to not go back to the hospital only to be sent home again. Parker kept saying we should go but I was feeling like it was a false alarm. Around 6 my parents, who were ready to watch Jack whenever we decided to go to the hospital, asked if they had enough time to run to Best Buy. I told them to go ahead and go. They had been gone all of five minutes when my contractions started to really pick up. They got intense really fast.  After a few minutes we called and told my parents they needed to come back.

We gave our birthday boy big hugs and headed to the hospital. In the car Parker was having a really hard time not saying "I told you so" but I think he felt too bad for me. My contractions were right on top of each other about two minutes apart and I could barely talk through them.
The walk across the parking lot into the hospital was miserable. Because it was 7:30  p.m. there was no one at the main desk and we had to check in at the ER. The woman working out front of the ER was extremely chatty and really slow at inputting information into the computer. The contractions were really getting painful. Parker was helping hold me up. This woman preceded to make small talk and seemed in no hurry to help me out. Through gritted teeth I tried to explain to her that not only was I preregistered but I had been in the day before. All of my information was in the computer. She continued to shoot the breeze. I kept thinking, be patient she has obviously never been in labor. Then she mentioned her three kids and I about lost it. Twenty minutes later we walked into Labor and Delivery.
The L&D nurses knew what was up. They got me into a bed instantly. A nurse checked me and I had only progressed a little since my appointment that morning. I wanted to cry. She said she was going to call my doctor and come right back. When she came back my contractions were so bad she decided to check me again. More progression and now it was happening fast. I was officially being admitted and it was time to have a baby! Parker texted our parents to let them know this was it! The nurse asked if I wanted an epidural and I almost screamed yes.
Getting the epidural was a little rough. I had two bad contractions while they were trying to place it. Parker kept me distracted by talking fantasy football. I got killed that week by the way. So apparently I didn't make a great lineup. However once the epidural was in, it was awesome. It was a much better experience than my epidural with Jack. I could still move and feel my legs. I could tell when I was having a contraction but I wasn't in pain. I think this made a huge difference when it was time to push.
Once I was comfortable it was about 9 p.m. I was starting to wonder if this baby was going to come before or after midnight. Parker ran to get something to eat and while he was gone they checked me again. Things were still moving fast! By the time Parker got back it was really looking like our kids would share a birthday. But by 11 p.m. things had stalled out a bit. Obviously all I really wanted was for her to get here safely. But I was a little excited they would have their own birthdays. (Plus I think it is so cool our first was born on the first and our second on the second.)
Parker and I had been hanging out watching House and drinking slurpees. Because my awesome hospital had an awesome slurpee machine for mamas in labor... and their husbands too. Parker was able to sleep for awhile and I am glad that he did. I couldn't. I was too excited and nervous. Giving birth is such a sacred and amazing experience. It was nice to have some quiet time to really process what was happening. Around 12:30 a.m. they started me on a low dose of pitocin. I was still comfortable but could feel the contractions starting to pick up again.
Around 1:30 a.m. I woke Parker up and told him I was pretty sure we were close. I was starting to feel a lot of pressure.  Not too long after the nurse came in to check me. I wasn't even surprised when she said "Wow baby has lots of hair, I'll go get the doctor!"
With Jack I pushed for 90 minutes. But everything was so different this time. Because I could feel when the contractions where happening I knew exactly when and how to push. I pushed about 12 time over four contractions. Cora came into the world at 2:18 a.m.
When they placed her on my chest I noticed she was really blue. Parker cut the cord. Cora opened her mouth really wide but no cry came out. A team of amazing doctors suctioned out the fluid that was making it hard for her to breathe right there in our room. Parker was right with her the whole time. I was watching from across the room. Every doctor, nurse, and even Parker was assuring me that she was fine. But when she finally started crying it was the best sound I had ever heard. Then they handed her to Parker and the gushing and kissing began. We spent the next several minutes loving on her and watching as each cry turned her more and more pink.
We love her so much. So so much.

You can see her blue hand.

The next morning. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Welcome little Cora June

Our beautiful daughter decided to join our family two weeks early. Cora June came into this world weighing six pounds and four ounces and stretching nineteen inches long. She has her dad's eyes and chin and her mamas lips. We feel beyond blessed and completely smitten. I have so many words to share about the whole experience, but they will come later. For now we are just soaking her up.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Two Years Old

Can you believe it?

Brand New Jack 

1 Year Old Jack

Current Jack 

All this changing and growing. I don't know how I got lucky enough to be his mama. Jack Vincent is the greatest little boy ever. His adventure seeking heart is so large. He loves deeply. His laughter is contagious. He is so funny and so clever. I can't even be sad at how quick it has gone because it just keeps getting better and better. I loved him before I knew him. But oh man now that I know him... he just really is the greatest.  I have absolutely adored our time as a family of three. But I can't wait to see him as a big brother. 

We celebrated two years of Jack by going to see a movie in the theaters. When we got there and Jack saw his cousins he was so excited. He kept pointing at them and laughing. He covered his mouth and did his little frog jump he does when he is really pumped up.  I am so glad he already knows doing fun things is more fun when your people are there. My dad walked into the theater after the rest of us were seated and Jack flipped out he was so happy.  
After the movie we came home for cake and presents. Parker is the best dad ever and made Jack a fantastic marshmallow fun-fetti cake. However Jack was so excited about his presents we couldn't get him to eat any cake! So he had some the next morning for breakfast. It was a perfect birthday celebration. (Even if it was a couple days early.)
The scooter is a work in progress. Jack loves it. But doesn't have it all the way figured out yet. We are working on it though. 

Jack Vincent,
So many people love you. For good reason too kiddo, you are remarkable in every imaginable way. Thank you for making these last two years the very best. Thank you for making us throw our heads back with laughter. Thank you for being our constant reminder of what this life is all about. 
-Love mama