Thursday, October 1, 2015

Two Years Old

Can you believe it?

Brand New Jack 

1 Year Old Jack

Current Jack 

All this changing and growing. I don't know how I got lucky enough to be his mama. Jack Vincent is the greatest little boy ever. His adventure seeking heart is so large. He loves deeply. His laughter is contagious. He is so funny and so clever. I can't even be sad at how quick it has gone because it just keeps getting better and better. I loved him before I knew him. But oh man now that I know him... he just really is the greatest.  I have absolutely adored our time as a family of three. But I can't wait to see him as a big brother. 

We celebrated two years of Jack by going to see a movie in the theaters. When we got there and Jack saw his cousins he was so excited. He kept pointing at them and laughing. He covered his mouth and did his little frog jump he does when he is really pumped up.  I am so glad he already knows doing fun things is more fun when your people are there. My dad walked into the theater after the rest of us were seated and Jack flipped out he was so happy.  
After the movie we came home for cake and presents. Parker is the best dad ever and made Jack a fantastic marshmallow fun-fetti cake. However Jack was so excited about his presents we couldn't get him to eat any cake! So he had some the next morning for breakfast. It was a perfect birthday celebration. (Even if it was a couple days early.)
The scooter is a work in progress. Jack loves it. But doesn't have it all the way figured out yet. We are working on it though. 

Jack Vincent,
So many people love you. For good reason too kiddo, you are remarkable in every imaginable way. Thank you for making these last two years the very best. Thank you for making us throw our heads back with laughter. Thank you for being our constant reminder of what this life is all about. 
-Love mama 

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