Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer So Far

Projector+Wii= Mario Karting, bigger and better. The picture took up the entire wall. I don't know if we will ever grow up... 

Playing as much as we do is hard work. Exhausted, Finley fell asleep in the middle of Big Five. Oh and yes, those are moon boots. 

Tickets for carnival rides. 

Little girls, big adventures. 

A new favorite  dinner spot, always a good find. 

Parker in his Philadelphia hat and Philadelphia tie. I'd say he is a pretty big fan. 

Monday, June 11, 2012

A big deal

You took the LSAT and survived. That's a pretty big deal. I'm so proud of you and how hard you have been working.
Love Jess
P.S. You can breathe now, it's over.

Monday, June 4, 2012


I met Parker, in late August 2009.
He asked me to marry him in July of 2010.
We where married in June of 2011.
June 4th to be exact.

This summer marks my third year of calling him my best friend, two years since he got down on one knee, and my first year of being his wife.

Summer seems to be my season.

We celebrated with a 'staycation' in the big SLC. It was fabulous. Fancy hotel, delicious food, lots of shopping, a baseball game, and a morning in Salt Lake Temple (had to go back to where it all started.. I think it'll be a tradition)