Wednesday, April 25, 2012


All growing up I heard the stories. My mother and father got married without a dime to their name. They lived in a tiny shoebox apartment. One month after tithing, bills, and all the rest they were left with 89 cents. Which in ancient history could buy you one milkshake. So for date night they got one milkshake and shared.
As my sisters got married and moved into temporary living spaces which of course came with complaints my mom would tell the story of the shoebox apartment a lot. "My whole apartment could fit in your living room!" she would say. And then she would explain to them that you don't need a whole lot of space at first.
And so as I walked my mother into my first married shoebox apartment I was expecting the usual rundown. Small apartment, no space, 89 cent milkshake, happy memories, be grateful. But to my surprise she looked around and said "This is smaller than the first apartment your dad and I lived in."
(There was probably a better time to take this picture... but here we are mid move) 

We have been here since June. I will admit at first trying to come up with a system to fit everything and still be functional was hard.  But we got it down. Made it all work out. We even found a way to fit a Christmas tree in here.  We have had a family of four stay with us! It's a good thing we are all really good friends.  
I wasn't expecting to be a sad when it came time to leave. But as I have packed up our things and the place is starting to look quite empty, I can't help but think how good this little apartment has been to us. Over the months we transformed it from shoebox to home. And I'm going to miss ending our days and starting our mornings here. 
I realize now my mom doesn't tell the story of 89 cents with remorse. She loves those memories, she loved that shoebox apartment. Now I have a story. Some day I'll brag to my own children. "You should have seen the size of the place where your dad and I first lived. It was smaller than a shoebox."

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Downtown Date Night

I had heard all about it. Seen pictures. But I just had to go, to see for myself. Yep, I'm talking about City Creek. 

Parker was an awesome sport and we just made a day of it. 

This is Parker being nice and taking a picture with me. 

This is Parker deciding that it would be more fun to throw me in the fountain. 

My sister and her family met up with us. Which was nice because my brother in-law Ryan hung out with Parker while Lisa and I took Gracie to do all things girlie. 

And of course we had to check out the Disney store. Hello, there is a castle in there. 
Thanks SLC we sure love ya! 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I played so hard today. 
Hiking, swimming, running from here to there.
My skin is fried. 
And my hair is two shades lighter than it was this morning. 
Today was filled with orange slices, cold water, and sand between my toes.
Tonight involved a chocolate milkshake and watching the Yankees win in extra innings. 
I've been a little stressed, but I'm feeling much better. 
Even with the sunburn. 


(Noli me Tangere, 

This painting became a sort of symbol of  hope to the British during World War II. And if I had to sum up in one word what Easter means to me it would be hope. 

Happy Easter! (a little late) 

I feel like when I was younger my mom was super strict about what I could and couldn't do on Sundays. I would ask her what sort of activity I could do on Sunday, and she would say, "You shouldn't do something that you couldn't do in your church clothes." I don't know if this is what she meant... 

Take a look at this giant sleep over. There are 4 kids in this picture but there were 10 of them down there. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Some BIG things

There sure has been a lot going on recently.  Here are some highlights.

A DOUBLE baptism. Picture Failure on my part but congrats to Ryan and Riley. Nope they are not twins, cousins, born 22 hours apart! 

A birthday lunch for my sweet Grandma. 

Hello Hunger Games

It's always a gamble when you really like a book and they make it into a movie... But we loved it! 

My dad put a hundred dollars up for the winner of the family march madness bracket. Guess who won? Miss Kaitlynn. Yeah she's the youngest. We think her dad helped her fill out a bracket to increase his chances of winning the price. Nice try but grandma took that little one straight to the Disney Store and went crazy! 
( my mom sent me this picture this morning) 
 Kaitlynn used her prize money to buy some things for her sister too.  Cute? Very. 

Conference Weekend! 
Prayers were answers, spirits rejuvenation. 

For some reason every year in October I think things will be less busy after the holidays. That by mid January life will be slow down. Where did I get that silly idea?