Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Years Eve

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. We sure did. Although lately life has felt like one giant melt down. Apparently being 15 months old is really hard. Being so close to being able to communicate but just not able to spit it out can be really frustrating. Jack is expressing his frustration all the time. He will go from happy and laughing to an on the floor kicking and screaming tantrum in a matter of seconds. He is also hitting and yelling "No" quite a bit. We are doing what we can.
 I remember last year on New Years Eve being so physically exhausted. At that point Jack still wasn't sleeping more than two hours at a time. But he was such a happy little baby whenever he was awake. 
Now kiddo sleeps 10- 12 hours a night! But I am mentally exhausted. Because even though I try all day to keep him happy, I feel like we are just going from one tantrum to the next. I find myself wondering if maybe physical exhaustion was easier.
That's life though right? It is so tempting to look back or forward, and think things were or are going to be easier.  I am constantly reminding myself to love where we are. Because every phase comes with ups and downs. 
So today instead of resolutions I am going to write down a few things I love about my life, the way it is right now, today. 

  • Jack calls me "Mom Mom" not mama, not mommy, not mom. Mom Mom. It is adorable.
  • We have so much snow. Jack and I have been sledding and fort building and having all sorts of snow adventures. 
  • Parker and I both love our church callings. He is in Young Mens and I am in Activity Days. We love being involved with the youth. 
  • Whenever we tell Daxter to "Sit" Jack sits down too. 
  • Despite how crazy things have been I have managed to read so many good books recently. 
  • Jack associates the phone with Daddy. Whenever he grabs a phone he holds it up to his ear and says "Eh-O" followed by "Dadadadadadada" 
  • Jack is becoming so particular. And although it can be difficult at times- seeing him develop interests, likes, and dislikes is fascinating. 
  • Jack is big enough to ride on my back. For some reason that feels like an important milestone. 
  • Having Parker around for the holidays has been the best. I love when we get extra time with him. 
  • This Christmas will always be extra special in our memories because my sister adopted her daughter, Olivia! We got to go together as family to the temple and see her sealed to them. 
  • My little family is healthy. We have a place to live. And we are all together. 
  • I have seen my big crazy family a lot recently. 
  • I have my mom and sisters to ask about baby rashes, baby coughs, baby everything. 
  • Parker still makes me laugh, a real laugh, every single day.  

Things really are pretty great around here. 2015 is going to be a good one. 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Christmas in an Envelope

A while back we received a bright red envelope in the mail. Stuffed inside were enough gift cards to finance a large Christmas. It was sent anonymously and although I have been itching to discover the sender Parker has convinced me to let it be. Someone out there wanted to do something special and selfless. And they wanted to do it quietly.
If by chance the sender of this generous gift knows us well enough to visit our little blog- Thank you. Thank you so much. 
The contents of the envelope are valuable. But what we will hold closest to our hearts this Christmas season was the selfless act of whoever sent it. Knowing someone out there loves us enough to send us Christmas in an envelope is the true gift. Kindness in contagious. Thank you for reminding us what Christmas is all about.

Let us all remember the first Christmas gift this season.

A Series of Unfortunate Events

Ok world wide web. Lets get personal.
This week has been a nightmare.
Everything started to go wrong when I was forced to take Jack into a public restroom. Curse my I-Have-Had-A-Baby-Bladder. Foolishly I thought I could 'just make it work' by taking him into the stall with me. Wrong. Before I could do anything to stop it, Jack crawled under the stall door and I could hear him giggling and squealing as he ran out of the bathroom. I was yelling "Jack Vincent get back here" while I composed myself enough to chase after him. I caught him just outside the bathroom- thank goodness. But it was a big embarrassing scene. All of the other moms were looking at me with a judgmental "I have never let my kid run away from me while I was going to the bathroom" look in their eyes.
And then things got worse. So much worse.
That night was the Relief Society Christmas party. A progressive dinner. A perfect chance for all of the women to get together, chat, and see three homes all dressed up for Christmas. Because I was going with my mother, who is notoriously early to everything, we arrived at the first house about seven minutes before we were supposed to. Our hostess was finishing up some last minute things and asked if I would mind lighting the candles on the dining room table.
The candles were arranged around a festive center piece complete with beautiful Christmas greenery. It was sort of like a Christmas tree in a pretty vase. After I lit the candles I returned to the kitchen where a few more ladies had shown up. We were chatting about the appetizers and the weather for a few minutes, and then we smelled the smoke. Yes, smoke.  We ran to the dining room and sure enough the center piece was up in flames. Yes you are reading that correctly. I started a fire in my neighbors formal dining room.
The center piece was rushed to the sink and soaked with water. I guess all things considered it turned out fine. There was no damage done to anything other than the center piece. But I am fairly certain I will never be attending another neighborhood event. Ever. To be honest I might not ever leave the house house again. Ever. It was without a doubt the most humiliating thing that has ever happened to me.
After a rough night of restless sleep wondering how one properly apologizes for starting a neighbors center piece on fire (a card? flowers?) I started a new day determined to not give into my desire to dig a deep dark hole and spend a few days inside. It was going pretty good.
Then Jack broke my nose.
You see my son, the light of my life, has a crazy big head. Sometimes I wonder how he manages to stay upright with that huge noggin placed on his little neck. My son also has the most heart warming laugh. And when he laughs he throws that incredibly large head back in pure delight. It is pretty magical. Unless he is sitting on your lap when he starts to laugh and he throws his head back straight into your nose hard enough that you hear it crack.
So here I am, two dark bruises under my eyes that meet up on the bridge of my nose with a killer headache complaining to the internet.
But I am not just complaining. I have secret hopes that somehow someday Jack will be interested in reading this blog. I know. Fat chance. But just incase any part of my crazy obsession with wanting to know the stories of peoples lives gets passed down and he does read this…. This is the point.

Jack sometimes life sucks. Sometimes it feels like life is just adding insult to injury. A lot of things happened this week that I wish didn't. Silly embarrassing things. But other hard things too. Last week you got your head stuck between the wall and the air hockey table. I know that says a whole lot about my parenting skills. But you are really hard to keep up with right now. Anyway there wasn't enough room for me to pick you up and pull you out and the table was too heavy for me to move. The only thing I could do was shove your head down and make you crawl out. But you were pretty upset. You kept trying to stand up. So I had to keep shoving you down. And I know it was confusing because I am your mom and I am supposed to help you. But kiddo I was helping. Even though it didn't feel like it. Even though it felt like I just kept pushing you down. You crawled out. I picked you up and hugged you until you stopped crying. I think sometimes God has to knock us down to get us to where we need to be.  It can be confusing because He loves us and we know He wants to help us. But kiddo He is helping. And when we crawl out of whatever it is we are stuck in, He will lift us up. 

Friday, November 28, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

Oh my full and grateful heart. I love Thanksgiving. I love my little family. And my big crazy family too. I love laughing together and eating together and dancing together. I love holding on tight to the things I am the most thankful for. And the pie. I love all the pie.

 First place on my thankful list for six years now. 

Colter is now too old for pictures. 

The dream team. 

Thankful for the open mouth slobbery kisses we get from this kid all day everyday. 

 Playing some Madden and pulling the EXACT same face as Landon. 

My sweet mom helping Jack with his turkey.

Matching Family Sweaters. 

 Pie on his face. 

Pie on the wall. 

Friday, November 21, 2014

The Tree is Up

I used to be very set on absolutely no Christmas- anything until after Thanksgiving. Then I met Parker. The tree is up. We have already watched White Christmas several times. There has even been Christmas music. It is all in full swing over here. They talked me into it. It seems Parker's love for all things Christmas is hereditary. To be completely honest… I am pretty happy about it. Maybe these two are making my Grinch heart grow a few sizes.
I guess it all works out though. Because as we decorated the tree as a family, I felt pretty thankful.
We are all geared up for round two of the holidays with Jack. He was so itty bitty last year, this year is going to be a lot more fun. I'll probably say the same thing for the next several years. Until he gets all teenagery. Last Thanksgiving he sat and slept on my lap through all of dinner. I have a feeling he won't be quite as well behaved this year.
Parenthood is really fun. I mean it.  All the warnings people tell you are true. It is hard and you have to make sacrifices and it is a huge responsibility. But parenthood is so much fun. Marriage is fun. Being a family is fun. Anything in this life that is worth having is going to require "hard work". But it can still be fun, and bring so much joy and laughter.
I hope I can always remember decorating the tree with these two. Their excitement. It was wonderful. We really do have so much to be thankful for.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Little Helper

Jack likes to "help" us do whatever we are doing. He likes to "help" by taking our clean clothes out of drawers and putting them in the dirty laundry hamper. He likes to "help" clean up by taking all of his shoes and throwing them in the garbage can. He likes to "help" in the kitchen by rearranging all of the kitchen cupboards and taking everything out of the pantry. After he finishes "helping" he always claps for himself. It is pretty darn cute.
He is also hiding things lately. I recently found my shoes tucked away in his toy box.  My phone always ends up under his stuffed animals in the teepee. Oh and the remote. He will hide it anywhere. He likes to put it in his dresser drawers.
But he really does like to help. He will help me put all of his toys away. It sort of makes my heart melt. Especially when he starts clapping once the room is clean.  Then of course it is time to make a mess again.
Last Saturday he got to "help" his dad and uncle Ryan hang up the Christmas lights. He was in heaven.
Parker he is already watching you. He wants to be just like you. So you know.. don't mess up. 

Family Night: Thankful Tree

I LOVE this time of year. Thanksgiving is the best. What a great reminder to slow down and count our blessings.  We started a new tradition this year that I am really excited about. Jack is way too young to understand what is going on but we included him anyway. Hopefully in a couple of years he will really like it! For family night we made our first ever Robertson Family Thankful Tree.
We cut out a tree and leaves from construction paper. Let me tell you it looks pretty snazzy. First we put our tree tree on the wall. Then we spent all evening writing down things we are thankful for on the leaves and hanging them on the branches. We helped Jack hang some leaves with things we know he is pretty thankful for.
It turned out looking like this:

We made sure to hang it high enough that someone couldn't pull it down. It is a patchwork of badly cut construction paper but I love it so much.  I can't look at it and not smile. We really have so much to be thankful for! I am planning on doing this every year. 

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Sundays Are Hard

I am just going to say it. Sundays are hard. 1:00 church is right during nap. We have seven more Sundays until we switch to the 9:00 block and yes I have been counting down for awhile.  My son likes to throw things during church. He likes to make a run for the pulpit. A while ago he stole an old woman's walker and pushed it down the hall. He crawls under the benches. And over them.

But Sundays are also wonderful. Exhausting. But really wonderful.  We do the very best we can each week and it's all worth it. The time spent out in the halls, the tantrums thrown over not being allowed to play in the drinking fountain. It really is worth it.
And Sunday evenings are pretty great too. Especially ones spent watching movies from inside the teepee.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Little Jack Frost

I have a little boy who loves to be outside. He craves the fresh air and open spaces. We have to have outside play time everyday. He needs it as much as he needs to take a nap or eat dinner. Every morning after breakfast Jack and Dax beg to go outside. 

We had an unusually warm October so we played in the sunshine. 

But November came in and the temperatures dropped. So we played in the snow flurries and frost. 

He cried and cried when I finally made him come in. We are getting our snow gear ready because I have a feeling we won't be staying inside a whole lot this winter. 

Just because I love them here are two more pictures. 
Jack napping with his favorite stuffed dog Leroy. 

A gem my mom sent me while she was watching Jack one night. My dad was fixing the dryer and Jack wanted to "help".  They had to find a way to keep this walking tornado contained. 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween Night

Our little dragon boy had so much fun last night. My sister had such a fun Halloween Party and Jack loved being with so many little kids in costumes. It was everything I hoped it would be. Everything it should be.
Jack is a trick or treating prodigy. Yes that's a thing. He seriously ran from house to house with a big grin. I don't know if he caught on that he was collecting candy, or if he just liked dropping things in his jack-o-lantern bucket. On the way home we let him open a sucker though. He was on cloud nine.

 A dragon, a princess, and a knight in tinfoil armor. 
Jack was thrilled to take family pictures.

My brother Ryan and Parker being awesome dads. 

Best. Halloween. Yet. Can't wait till next year.