Monday, December 7, 2015

Blessing Cora June

Sunday December 6th was a special day. We cracked open the big cedar chest and pulled out the white blanket my mom brought me from Bethlehem when I was a little girl, and the white dress I was blessed in. Parker gave Cora a beautiful blessing. Then we ate donuts.
My heart could explode I love being a mom so much. And Parker. I love Parker so much too. I am so thankful my kids get him as their dad.

All the frills shoved into the carseat. Cora was not impressed. 

This is what all of our family photos look like right now.

The Retirement Party - After Party

My dads retirement party at his office was last week. But the after party with just my family was better because we had matching t-shirts, root-beer floats and pizza. My dad was so surprised when we all showed up. We are all so proud of our dad. So excited to see what life holds in store for my parents in this new phase. I love this big crazy chaotic family of mine.

Parents- you did good. 

Jack and Cora

These two. Cora is already such a little sister. She loves to be in Jacks personal space. He is not a fan. Although he is warming up to her. We've all been sick and hanging out on my bed a lot. Jack was rolling around and accidentally smacked Cora in the face.  She started screaming and you should have seen the look on Jacks face. He sat down and kind of backed up. Parker told him "Jack you have to be careful around your sister. You better give her a kiss better." Much to our surprise Jack leaned down and kissed Cora right on the forehead. Whaaaat?? It was awesome. 

Also Jack loves to "read" to Cora. It melts my mama heart every.single.time. 

Gingerbread Boy

While learning my way around the grocery store in my new neighborhood I picked up one of those gingerbread house kits. I try to stick to the list and this was totally an impulse buy but, I have to say it was nine dollars well spent. Jack built the house, decorated the house, took all of the decorations off of the house, played with the candy pieces like they were toys going around the house for over an hour then suddenly decided he was done and took the whole thing apart. It is the most fun I have ever seen anyone have with a gingerbread house. I love this boy and how seriously he takes everything.

Thanksgiving 2015!!

This Thanksgiving we were extra thankful for all of our family who helped us move the day before! Great day with great food and great people.