Thursday, February 19, 2015

Words about my Favorite Person

Parker Robertson.
You continue to make me laugh. My real laugh from deep inside my belly. The kind of laugh that makes my eyes water.
Excellent at all things Mario.
I can count on you for everything.
My Valentine for six years and counting.
Everyone knows I need your optimism.
You would will be the worlds best Amazing Race partner.
You give one hundred percent to everything you do. You don't know any other way.
My kitchen floor dance partner.
Star Wars Rookie.
You are too good and still true.

Parker works all day. He comes home and helps with dinner and bath time. He rocks our son to sleep because he has missed him all day long. When it is finally  quiet, sometimes we are both too tired to form complete sentences. We work hard to build up this life we share. But I have so many things I want to say to him. He deserves all the best words. A random list of thoughts will have to do for now. Oh and this,

Parker I love love love you.

A Good Morning

My Funny Valentine (s)

When I was little the night before Valentines Day was my very favorite night of the year. Every year my dad would go after work to Cummings and buy a box of the best chocolate covered strawberries. He would leave them in the back of his truck so they would stay hidden and cold. Then first thing in the morning he would give them to my mom for Valentines day. And every year there would be a couple strawberries missing by the time she opened the box.
 For years on the night before Valentines Day I would sneak outside, climb in the back of the truck and eat the biggest strawberries in the box. They were always juicy and delicious. Sorry mom. Then one year I climbed into the truck to find two boxes. One just for me. Thanks dad.
I still get my own box every year. Because I married the most awesome person on the planet who somehow always finds a way to make sure I get my Cummings chocolate covered strawberries on Valentines day. But this year I gave the very biggest strawberries to this kid. I have a feeling there are going to be strawberries missing from my box for years to come. And they have never tasted sweeter.

I am one lucky girl to have two Valentines. Love these boys.

Monday, February 9, 2015

When he is Covered in Dirt.

I love being a boy mom. I love being this boys mom. I love his messy bed head. I love that he is wild. I love when he is covered in dirt. I love that he always wants to be outside.  I love that he chases the dog. I love that he is always climbing up something. I love the bumps and scrapes that prove it.