Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Little Robertson Number Two!!

If you haven't heard already…. which is unlikely since Parker has basically been shouting it from rooftops… Little Robertson Number Two is on the way!! 
We are beyond thrilled and feel so blessed to be able to add to our family. I am pretty positive that we will never sleep again but who cares!
Here are all the details…
The due date is October 16, 2015…… However this time around I am just planning on going late. Our kids will be roughly two years and two weeks apart. Feels kind of perfect.
I am positive this baby is a boy. Hands down. It will be the shock of my life if this baby is a girl. We are going to find out in late May.
The first trimester was pretty dang rough. I am so so grateful to be near family. I seriously am laughing at myself because I thought I had a hard time in my first trimester with Jack. Morning sickness with a toddler is a wild ride! I've gotten pretty good at puking my guts out while holding a squirmy Jack at arms length. Why he finds it all so fascinating and wants to be involved is beyond me…
It has been smoother sailing in the second trimester so far. I am not sick all the time and everything is starting to sink in. We are going to have a baby! It is finally starting to feel real.
I am so excited to see Jack become a big brother. I might be slightly biased but I am pretty sure he will be a great brother. I'm sure he will teach the little one all of his trouble making tricks.
This baby in my belly is a wiggly little thing. We have had one ultrasound and it was so fun to see the little one swimming and flipping. I am super shocked at how early I could feel the flutters this time around.
I already have a little bump. It happened way sooner than I thought it would. They tell you that will happen the second time around but I just wasn't expecting it so soon. Nope not twins! Just the one already getting comfortable in there.
Parker has a boy name all picked out that we are pretty set on. It is super early though so who knows.  We don't even talk about girl names. Partly because we are so sure this baby is a boy and mostly because there is not a single one we can agree on.
I am usually hearing moms say how fast their second pregnancy goes by! But to be honest the first 14 weeks felt miserably long. But I wouldn't be surprised if the next few months go extra quick to make up for it.
We love this little baby so much already! Parenthood has been the greatest and most rewarding adventure of our lives.
Can't believe I get to be a mama of two!!

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