Friday, January 16, 2015


Jack is starting to talk a little bit here and there and it has been so much fun.  He is pretty hard to understand but it sure is cute.
His current vocabulary consists of,
Daadd Daadd (Dad)
Mom Mom (Mom)
Issit  (Can I see it?)
My My (Mine or I want)
Low (Hello)
I I (Bye Bye)
Daaa ( Dog or Down. We just have to guess.)

Jack knows that the Tiger saws Rawrr, the Snake says Ssssss and the Wolf says Ahwooo.

He can show you where his nose, head, mouth, and tongue are when you ask. My favorite is when you ask him where his tongue is because he sticks it really far out and says AHHHH.

He still loves to wave hello and goodbye, give high fives, and clap after every single thing he does.

His emotions are intense and he bounces from happy to sad very quickly. But I am loving this time full of kisses that taste like pretzels and piggyback rides wherever we go. He is incredibly creative and quite the problem solver. I can't keep him out of anything. He dances whenever he hears music no matter where we are. Seeing the world through his eyes is truly spectacular. I can't wait till he can share more of his thoughts with us. It is a crazy time full of tantrums and laughter and by four in the afternoon I am usually close to tears. But I wouldn't trade this time for the world.

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