Friday, January 16, 2015

This and That

Life lately has been exciting and fast paced. There hasn't been a whole lot of time for blogging. Here is a quick catch up. 

Started out the 2015 right with a family party that ended at eleven. Adults playing duck duck goose super competitively running full speed and acquiring injuries. Happy Mormon New Years Eve everybody. 

I am really mad at the weather for being so cold with no snow to play in. Because being outside is not fun and Jack gets really bad cabin fever we have been spending a lot of time at our favorite museums. Trying to explain to Jack we can't climb into the exhibits at the Dinosaur museum is pretty hard. He is such a climber. 

 Jack is turning into a picky eater. Yikes. He would prefer to only eat pretzels, apples, and Nilla Wafers.  Anything else usually ends in disaster. He absolutely insists on feeding himself and lately it is a huge battle to even get him into the high chair. He wants to sit at the table. I think a booster seat is in the very near future.

Oh and markers. Jack loves to eat markers. I seriously almost called poison control when he bit the tip of the marker he was coloring with and it exploded in his mouth. Don't worry he is totally fine. 

This is Tayla Jacks cousin and best friend. He really does love to color. That's why I keep giving him markers even though he sometimes eats them. 

 Jack loves water bottles. He like to take the lid on and off and on and off. We have a major melt down when he can't find the lid. It is the strangest thing. He will play with a water bottle and the lid for way longer than he will play with any of the toys he got for Christmas.  But I am kind of impressed at his motor skills. I feel like that would be hard with his little pudgy hands

Jack holding his newborn pajamas. 

 Little jibber jabber is starting to say some words now that we can understand and it has been pretty exciting. The more he communicates the more we get to know him. The more we know the more we love. Time is flying by and I am grateful for this space to store some of the memories I don't want to ever forget.

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