Monday, November 21, 2011

The Marvelous Wonderettes

Quick Story.
Once Upon A Time my dad said Jessica lets go to Yankee Stadium this season. So I got all excited and then he changed his mind and told me I needed to learn disappointment.  Good life lesson Dad.
But then, Once Upon This Other Time we went for real. (And I was even more excited for it because I had been disappointed the first time around.) I spent my 18th Birthday just my dad in me in New York City. We ate at Carnegie Deli and spent the afternoon inside the New Yankee Stadium watching the Yankees beat Baltimore. I could take the time to tell you everything that happened in that entire game because two years later I still remember everything about it with perfect clarity but this is supposed to be a quick story. So I'll skip the details and just hit the relevant parts. After the game we found ourselves seeing the Marvelous Wonderettes. And it was awesome. Best-Pre-Parker Birthday ever.
We walked out of the theater both saying, we have got to take Mom and the girls to that one.
Well this Friday night we were finally able to do just that. Wonderettes had made its way to the local Hale Center Theater stage in Orem. My sisters grew up going to Hale Center Theater with our grandparents. It was a walk down memory lane for them, and they all had very specific treats that they always got at what Parker calls Half Time. The show was great was, and everyone loved it. Even the boys.
Bonus Round: I used to do theater. I didn't really look through the program but when it started I instantly recognized an old friend who was in every show I was ever in. It was great to see her still doing what she loves and after I even got to introduce her to my good looking husband and catch up briefly.
When we came outside we were standing in a blur of the biggest snow flakes I have ever seen.
It was a fun night with my family, and this weekend we will see them some more, even throw a football around. Not to mention how excited we are for some quality Robertson time over Christmas.
 Bring on the holidays!
@dinner before the show 

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