Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Good Mornings in Jackland

Mornings with Jack right now are the best. He has been staying up a bit later at night and sleeping in a bit later in the morning. He wakes up so happy and ready to go.
When I go in to get him he will have thrown everything out his crib. His quilt, any clothing he managed to get off, and Leroy. I have to hand Leroy back to him before he will let me get him out of his crib…. I can't quite figure out why he throws that dog in the first place. But every morning it is the same thing, he needs Leroy in his arms before he will get out. 
Recently breakfast is oatmeal and smoothies. Jack putters around the kitchen "helping with dishes" and "putting things away" while I get breakfast ready. Then we sit at the table together and eat. He chatters in gibberish between big bites of oatmeal while I agree with whatever he says enthusiastically. 

Then he feeds Daxter all by himself and it is adorable. Once he fills the dog bowl with food he runs around trying to find Daxter and insists that he eats right that second. Usually he ends up giving him a treat or two. 
Sometimes we play on the deck, sometimes Jack plays the piano and sings. 

We brush our teeth together every morning with our matching light up lightsaber toothbrushes. We say our morning prayers. Jack folds his arms and closes his eyes for about four seconds. Then he pokes my eyes until I open them. It is a work in progress.
I know we won't always be able to move this slow in the morning. So I am taking it all in and enjoying every second.

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